Please enable build system telemetry
Ted Mielczarek
2018-11-09 19:55:25 UTC
TL;DR: the next time you run `mach bootstrap` please answer yes to the prompt to enable build system telemetry.


Those of us who work on the build system realize that building Firefox is not always a pleasant experience. We've done a lot of work over the years to try to improve that situation but we have always relied on anecdotes from individual developers to know when a problem exists and when things have improved. Recently we've finished landing some work[1] to enable the build system to submit telemetry and we're excited to start getting data that we can use to prioritize future work and validate our results! The schema of data we're collecting is available in the build system documentation[2]. Additionally we care very much about your privacy and the security of this data--build system telemetry data gets handled and stored in the same systems that handle Firefox telemetry data.

We've added a prompt to `mach bootstrap` that will let you opt-in to enabling telemetry so we'd appreciate it if you would do that so we can get a broad representative sample of the population of developers building Firefox. If you'd rather enable it manually you can edit the file ~/.mozbuild/machrc and add the contents:

telemetry = true

If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask here or in #build on IRC.


1. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1237610
2. https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/build/buildsystem/telemetry.html
Doug Thayer
2018-11-09 20:22:13 UTC
Hooray for data! This is great. Thank you!
Post by Ted Mielczarek
TL;DR: the next time you run `mach bootstrap` please answer yes to the
prompt to enable build system telemetry.
Those of us who work on the build system realize that building Firefox is
not always a pleasant experience. We've done a lot of work over the years
to try to improve that situation but we have always relied on anecdotes
from individual developers to know when a problem exists and when things
have improved. Recently we've finished landing some work[1] to enable the
build system to submit telemetry and we're excited to start getting data
that we can use to prioritize future work and validate our results! The
schema of data we're collecting is available in the build system
documentation[2]. Additionally we care very much about your privacy and the
security of this data--build system telemetry data gets handled and stored
in the same systems that handle Firefox telemetry data.
We've added a prompt to `mach bootstrap` that will let you opt-in to
enabling telemetry so we'd appreciate it if you would do that so we can get
a broad representative sample of the population of developers building
Firefox. If you'd rather enable it manually you can edit the file
telemetry = true
If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask here or in #build on IRC.
1. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1237610
dev-platform mailing list
Mike Conley
2018-11-09 21:01:13 UTC
Yes, thanks!

Out of curiosity, is there a dashboard somewhere where we can see
aggregates of the current measurements?

Thanks for your work,

Post by Doug Thayer
Hooray for data! This is great. Thank you!
Post by Ted Mielczarek
TL;DR: the next time you run `mach bootstrap` please answer yes to the
prompt to enable build system telemetry.
Those of us who work on the build system realize that building Firefox is
not always a pleasant experience. We've done a lot of work over the years
to try to improve that situation but we have always relied on anecdotes
from individual developers to know when a problem exists and when things
have improved. Recently we've finished landing some work[1] to enable the
build system to submit telemetry and we're excited to start getting data
that we can use to prioritize future work and validate our results! The
schema of data we're collecting is available in the build system
documentation[2]. Additionally we care very much about your privacy and
Post by Ted Mielczarek
security of this data--build system telemetry data gets handled and
Post by Ted Mielczarek
in the same systems that handle Firefox telemetry data.
We've added a prompt to `mach bootstrap` that will let you opt-in to
enabling telemetry so we'd appreciate it if you would do that so we can
Post by Ted Mielczarek
a broad representative sample of the population of developers building
Firefox. If you'd rather enable it manually you can edit the file
telemetry = true
If you have any questions about this please feel free to ask here or in #build on IRC.
1. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1237610
dev-platform mailing list
dev-platform mailing list
2018-11-09 22:41:00 UTC
Post by Mike Conley
Out of curiosity, is there a dashboard somewhere where we can see
aggregates of the current measurements?
I have WIP dashboard here https://sql.telemetry.mozilla.org/dashboard/sheehan-build-telemetry-dash which I am using to play around with the data and look for bugs in our collection and submission code (such as bug 1505205 and bug 1505325).

Eventually we will make some more "official" dashboards, that work will be tracked in bug 1503983 should you wish to follow along.

If you end up looking through the data and wonder why your pings do not appear, there is a bug in the submission code that will be resolved when the stack ending in D11279 lands. I encourage you to enable build telemetry anyways, as the generated pings will persist on disk and will be submitted once the fix lands and `mach` is run again.

If you really want to see your data points in the dashboard and help us with early feedback, you can work around the bug by running `./mach python build/submit_telemetry_data.py ~/.mozbuild` (or wherever your mozbuild state directory is). :)

