W3C Proposed Recommendation: Pointer Events Level 2
L. David Baron
2018-11-13 02:38:05 UTC
A W3C Proposed Recommendation is available for the membership of
W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before it proceeds to the final
stage of being a W3C Recomendation:

Pointer Events Level 2
Deadline for responses: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (TOMORROW! SORRY!)

If there are comments you think Mozilla should send as part of the
review, please say so in this thread. Ideally, such comments should
link to github issues filed against the specification. (I'd note,
however, that there have been previous opportunities to make
comments, so it's somewhat bad form to bring up fundamental issues
for the first time at this stage.)

(I'm not sure to what extent we implement the revisions that are in
level 2. Knowing that would be helpful. If it's something we
implement, then we should probably explicitly support it unless we
have a good reason to do otherwise.)

𝄞 L. David Baron http://dbaron.org/ 𝄂
𝄢 Mozilla https://www.mozilla.org/ 𝄂
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
- Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)
Tom Ritter
2018-11-13 16:33:27 UTC
The Security and privacy considerations section reads like this:

[paragraph saying the web page gets new information users would
normally consider confidential]
[details about the type of new information that is now exposed]
[discussion about how this can be used to
profile/bucket/fingerprint/track the user]
[suggestion that UAs may degrade things for these reasons]

Beyond these considerations, the working group believes that this specification:
Does not expose personally-identifiable information.
Does not expose any other data to an origin that it doesn’t currently
have access to.
Does not allow an origin access to other devices.

Isn't that a bit disingenuous? Like saying I was convicted of a crime
in 1999, but other than that I have never been convicted of a crime?
I don't have a github issue for this. I don't have substantive
concerns with the security/privacy sections, I just think editorially
it's almost misleading.

Post by L. David Baron
A W3C Proposed Recommendation is available for the membership of
W3C (including Mozilla) to vote on, before it proceeds to the final
Pointer Events Level 2
Deadline for responses: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 (TOMORROW! SORRY!)
If there are comments you think Mozilla should send as part of the
review, please say so in this thread. Ideally, such comments should
link to github issues filed against the specification. (I'd note,
however, that there have been previous opportunities to make
comments, so it's somewhat bad form to bring up fundamental issues
for the first time at this stage.)
(I'm not sure to what extent we implement the revisions that are in
level 2. Knowing that would be helpful. If it's something we
implement, then we should probably explicitly support it unless we
have a good reason to do otherwise.)
𝄞 L. David Baron http://dbaron.org/ 𝄂
𝄢 Mozilla https://www.mozilla.org/ 𝄂
Before I built a wall I'd ask to know
What I was walling in or walling out,
And to whom I was like to give offense.
- Robert Frost, Mending Wall (1914)
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